Arbory School

A community of creative and confident learners Co-phobble kenjal dy ynseydee chrootagh as yarrooagh

We have high expectations of all pupils and our objective is for every child to reach their full potential.

We strive to celebrate individuality while remaining mindful of the need to nurture children’s understanding of the requirement to conform to certain socially acceptable standards.

Respect is considered to be a mutual process between all parties and consideration for one another’s feelings is expected. This is reflected in the moral, social and cultural elements of the curriculum and other areas of development. The ethos of the school pervades all areas of the curriculum and a key objective is to nurture the confidence and creativity of learners within a caring community.

The opportunity for children and adults to be actively involved in moving the school forward in every respect is welcomed and encouraged.

All children should achieve as high an educational standard as possible using well proven methods and a curriculum based on rational principles, at the same time taking advantage of modern aids to make learning more effective and pleasurable.

Each child should be taught as a whole person, by helping them to strive to reach their full potential emotionally, intellectually, socially, spiritually and physically.

Children are provided with opportunities for cultural, moral, social and spiritual education, satisfying the needs of and providing equal opportunities for all.

Each child is encouraged to be aware of themselves and their place in the world, considering at all times their friends and all others around them.

The following information provides a breakdown regarding levels of attainment in Years Two and Six at Arbory School for the academic year 2022-2023

The data does not form a complete picture of achievement at our school which is measured by the individual progress a child makes over the course the key stage in core subjects.
Teachers analyse pupil achievement at key points during the year in order to ensure that all children are making the best possible progress.

Formative assessment is used on an ongoing basis to inform the pupil and the child about the next steps in learning. The attainment data reflects the summative assessment which is formulated from these formative assessments and gives a snap shot of pupil attainment at a given point. (Usually June)

Although standardised tests are not used to give an overall attainment level, teacher assessment is rigorous and gives a well-rounded picture of a pupil’s attainment. Moderation of levels is carried out by the school to ensure that the grade descriptors (which are extensive) are interpreted consistently throughout the school.

The data does not show the differences between cohorts of children nor the range of Additional Needs, EAL (English as an Additional Language) or pupils who have transferred into our school.

As it is a snapshot of attainment by that group of children. It does not show the individual progress that children make each year.

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