Arbory School

A community of creative and confident learners Co-phobble kenjal dy ynseydee chrootagh as yarrooagh

Year 6 Leavers Assembly
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Good luck to all our year 6 children leaving us to head off to High School. We wish you all the very best and are proud of each and every one of you.

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The year 6 children in Mrs Wood's Folkestra have been practicing hard for a final performance together at their leavers assembly. They enjoyed performing together so much at the Folk Awards that they asked to be able to performance last time together before leaving Arbory School. They are a joy to…

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Year 6 ice cream treat.
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Year 6 had a wonderful surprise today when they received a lovely treat from a generous local land owner as a thank you for their help in litter picking after Laa Columb Killey. They would all like to say "thank you very much!"

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Summer Fair
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Thank you to all the parents and friends who supported our fund raising at the School Summer Fair. From donations of bottles, toys and raffle prizes to giving children money to spend or by coming along to join in the fun, we appreciate all your support. The children had a great day running their ow…

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Music Service Assembly
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We have many talented musicians in Arbory School and today the peripatetic teachers from the Isle of Man Music Service came in to lead assembly. We are fortunate enough to be able to give our students in years 4, 5 and 6 the opportunity to learn an instrument with the Music Service teachers. We saw…

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Laa Columb Killey
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Laa Columb Killey 2023 was a brilliant community event as always and is still integral to the life of Arbory School. Our children displayed beautiful art work, handwriting and crafts in the school tent and also entered classes with handiwork made at home. The children looked wonderful dressed up in…

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Sound of Magic
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Well done to all our singers who took part in the Sound of Magic event at the Villa Marina. Primary schools from across the island came together in a wonderful night of music and song. Thank you to Mrs Sowrey and Mrs Carr who taught and encouraged so many Arbory children to join in what was a brill…

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Primary Engineer Awards
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Well done to all our students who took part in the Primary Engineer competition, "If You Were an Engineer What Would You Do?" and a special congratulations to our finalists, year group winners and overall winner. Arbory School did exceptionally well, the designs were very interesting and innovative…

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Royal British Legion Book Donation
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Thank you to the Colby branch of the Royal British Legion for the kind donation of some special books to our school library. These beautiful books will help children and teachers talk about Remembrance.

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