Christmas Movie Treat
Published in the Blog
On Friday 16th December we will watch a film together and enjoy a hot chocolate treat. Children can come to school wearing a Christmas jumper if they would like to.
A community of creative and confident learners Co-phobble kenjal dy ynseydee chrootagh as yarrooagh
On Friday 16th December we will watch a film together and enjoy a hot chocolate treat. Children can come to school wearing a Christmas jumper if they would like to.
School Council are running a poetry competition so join in and write your very own festive themed poem! Prizes for all year groups.
Today, we were visited by Spooky the hedgehog, and we had a great time learning more about these cute, inquisitive creatures. Having studied hedgehogs in our literacy lessons last half term, we invited Vera (known on Facebook as ‘The Hedgehog Lady of Peel’) into our class. We adored watching Spooky…
Arbory School will be raising money for Children In Need on Friday 18th November.
Have a look at the Manx History App which is full of fascinating facts about people and places in history. There are also some quizzes to test your knowlege of the Isle of Man. Follow the link below
Please see the attached leaflet for Family Action Isle of Man Comms_Isle_of_Man_Helpline_FINAL.docx
Useful links to support learning in Mathematics: Links to content can potentially contain advertisements or inappropriate content. Please check prior to your child accessing sites. All ages: Sumdog - Maths, English interactive games - If your child does not currently have an account, you can sign u…
#Thinkuknow have created new packs to support parents during COVID-19 and the closure of schools. Each fortnight, they will be releasing new home activity packs with simple 15 minute activities you can do with your child to support their online safety at a time when they will spending more time onl…
Useful links to support learning in Literacy: Links to content can potentially contain advertisements or inappropriate content. Please check prior to your child accessing sites. Y3,4,5,6: Pobble 365: - Literacy (writing, reading, comprehension etc) Pictures with a variety o…