Arbory School

A community of creative and confident learners Co-phobble kenjal dy ynseydee chrootagh as yarrooagh

Year 5 and 6 play - We'll Meet Again
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Our wonderful Year 5 and 6 classes performed their play "We'll Meet Again" this week and amazed us with their talents. Set during WW2, We'll Meet Again told the story of some child evacuees and their eventual return home. Such a lot of hard work went into this production and the children did themse…

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Key Stage 1 Play - The Little Red Robin
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Our Key Stage 1 stars shone in their wonderful production of The Little Red Robin. Beautiful singing, clear voices, great acting and super dancing made for a fantastic show. Well done to all the children and staff who have worked so hard and thank you to the parents for providing costumes, helping…

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Tractor Run
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How lucky are we to have a visit from three of the stars of this weekend's Tractor Run?! Thank you very much to the Coole family and their friends who brought their fantastic tractors to Arbory School this morning. We look forward to spotting you in the parade.

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Tag Rugby Schools Cup
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A huge well done to the Arbory children who took part in the Tag Rugby Schools Cup. Great teamwork, effort and respect shown by you all. Thanks to Mrs Collister and to Douglas Rugby Club for such a well run event. Photo by Richard Ebbutt.

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Children in Need 2023
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School council organised a day full of fun events to raise money for the 2023 Children In Need Appeal. We had face painting, whole-school Zumba, a treasure hunt, paired reading sessions and a cake sale and raised a fantastic £424.15. The school was filled with colour as all the children came to sch…

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Forest School
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Arbory Forest School has been taking shape over the past couple of months and our first classes have been enjoying exploring the space. Year 3 have been lighting fires, making spears and making shelters in their stone-age tribal. Year 2 have been making fairy clothes and houses and exploring their…

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Nearly New Sale
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The Friends of Arbory School are kindly running at Nearly New Sale in the school hall on Friday 13th October, all are welcome.

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