Arbory School

A community of creative and confident learners Co-phobble kenjal dy ynseydee chrootagh as yarrooagh

Girls Football Tournament
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The girls football team had a great day at the all-island girls football tournament at the Bowl. Mr Parry was proud of the whole team and said they played brilliantly and were a credit to the school. Well done girls.

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World Book Day
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We all had a fun day celebrating reading and our favourite books. Classes joined other year groups to take part in paired reading, children talked about their favourite characters and lots of new stories were discovered. Thank you to Mrs Collister and School Council for organising a faun day of rea…

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Year 1 Chinese New Year
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Year 1 having been learning about Chinese New Year this half term and treated us all to a wonderful assembly sharing what they'd learnt. The whole school dressed in red and spent the day learning about China and how New Year is celebrated. The year 1 dragon dance at the end of the day was especiall…

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Year 5 Church Visits
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As part of their RE topic, Year 5 have been visiting local churches to compare and contrast their differing features and to learn about how the local communities use their buildings. They have visited Arbory Parish Church, Colby Methodist Church, Living Hope Church and St. Columbas Catholic Church.…

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Year 4 trip to Government House.
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Year 4 were invited to spend a morning at Government House as guests of His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor and Lady Lorimer. They had a wonderful time touring the house and taking part in a quiz remembering lots of information that His Excellency had told them. They also very much enjoyed the f…

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Year 4 Volcanoes!
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After learning about volcanoes around the world, year 4 have made their own right here in Arbory School! Explosive fun!

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Thank you Mrs Quayle!
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We said a sad goodbye, a great big thank you and a very well done to Mrs Quayle who retired after working at Arbory School for over 25 years. We are so grateful for all Mrs Quayle's years of hard work as she has kept the school well fed and for the care she has continuously shown in caring for indi…

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Friends of Arbory
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Would you like to be involved in school life? Do you have an hour here or there to be able to help at school events? Do you have ideas of how we can raise funds for trips, visitors and special events? If so we'd love to meet you. Come along to the staff room on Thursday 1st February at 9 am. All we…

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